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Friends, if you’ve ever lost a recipe you truly loved you will understand my excitement today. For I have recovered two of my favorite appetizer recipes thanks to other bloggers (and some dodgy sites that may now be harvesting my data or something idk).

These were both from Real Simple magazine, which still seems to exist but for some reason is pretending it’s never heard of Artichoke and Spinach Relish with Walnuts or Caramelized Onion Dip. This is such short-sited and random corporate decision-making that I sense that Elon Musk is involved but can’t prove it. Yet.

Anyway, I’ve written about the Artichoke and Spinach dish before; it’s a bit like the ubiquitous hot artichoke dip we all love – a gloopy, heavenly mess of warm mayo and cheese that you scoop on Triscuits – but really it’s a different animal altogether. Lighter, more nuanced and a little more balanced it you’re serving a heavy holiday meal. Trust me: there’s a reason I spent time searching for this one.

And you know what? Since Real Simple has decided to disown this recipe I’m going to call it my own going forward. Take that Elon.

Because I’m still a bit of a dummy about this stuff I can’t figure out how to add more than one recipe to a post, so here’s a link to the Caramelized Onion Dip.