My Father's Daughter
My Father’s Daughter: Arugula Salad with Smoked Mozzarella and Slow-Roasted Tomato Crostini and Playwright’s Melt

My Father’s Daughter: Arugula Salad with Smoked Mozzarella and Slow-Roasted Tomato Crostini and Playwright’s Melt

I'm categorizing these two recipes together because 1. they're both very simple and 2. good as they are, they are only marginally "recipes" in my mind. First, Arugula Salad:  Nothing more than toasted slices of baguette with cheese and sun-dried tomatoes on them...

Recent Comments

  1. Just watched the Cook's Country Video relative to this delightful sounding recipe. In case anyone is interested ... go to…

  2. I used a glass dish and just ran a knife around all the edges and a spatula to loosen the…

  3. I made these but they tasted sour? Is it possible to use milk instead of buttermilk or possibly more sugar…

  4. I made this recipe yesterday and they are delicious. One problem I encountered was I used a glass 8" pan,…