Caramelized Onion Dip
Please see Part 1 of my thrilling archeological excavation of two beloved and thought-to-be-lost-forever appetizer recipes. Q: Kate, American leads the world in onion dip production, why are you putting another recipe out there? A: Because it's better than what you're...
Caramelized Onion Dip
Please see Part 1 of my thrilling archeological excavation of two beloved and thought-to-be-lost-forever appetizer recipes. Q: Kate, American leads the world in onion dip production, why are you putting another recipe out there? A: Because it's better than what you're...
Artichoke and Spinach Relish with Walnuts
Friends, if you've ever lost a recipe you truly loved you will understand my excitement today. For I have recovered two of my favorite appetizer recipes thanks to other bloggers (and some dodgy sites that may now be harvesting my data or something idk). These were...
Cherry Pie
Cherry pie is my favorite pie I don't even have to think about it. Last week I managed to hit the farmer's market at the exact right moment to get the tart cherries I needed for this recipe and therefore achieved pie nirvana and am now deceased. I did not grow up...
French Summer Sandwiches with Zucchini and Olive Tapenade
I'm going to assume we've all had it up to our masks hearing about Covid cooking. Sourdough starter, banana bread, air-frying, everyone's done it, blogged about it, made a Tik-Tok, and written a New York Times think piece. Whatever you're going to get out of this...
Baci di Dama (Italian Hazelnut Cookies)
If Milano cookies had babies they would be these impish little bundles. Actually it would have to be a Milano and a bag of hazelnuts and I'm not sure how that would work but love is love, I don't judge. Cookies really don't get any cuter and in addition these are...
Quinoa Salad With Chicken, Almonds and Avocado
You didn't think I ate cake all the time did you? We all know how that ends. It's all about balance, which is a palatable way of saying: sometimes you have to eat healthy things. But healthy does not have to mean penance or deprivation. There are many, many...