Savory Spring Vegetable Goat Cheese Tart

Savory Spring Vegetable Goat Cheese Tart

It’s 45-degrees and raining sideways here in Chicago today and yet it is factually, temporally, undeniably spring.  And I know this because the Green City Market has moved outdoors and it is bursting with Hunter boots, double strollers, and every size, shape and...
Deep Dish Pizza

Deep Dish Pizza

I don’t know why I keep trying to replicate Lou Malnati’s pizza; I live in Chicago so I am never more than about 60 minutes away from eating the real thing. But I do.  Perhaps because even when it doesn’t quite get there what you’re probably...
Shrimp in Chipotle Sauce

Shrimp in Chipotle Sauce

This fell flat for me and I’m not sure why.  I suspect the (suggested) addition of sour cream might be the culprit but I can’t put my finger on it.  Certainly no fault of the recipe, in fact when I checked back with the Milk Street Facebook group I saw...
Tahini Swirl Brownies

Tahini Swirl Brownies

For anyone familiar with Halvah, adding tahini to brownies is a no-brainer, in fact, what took us so long???  And if Halvah is good enough for Suleiman the Magnificent who are we to question it? For those unfamiliar, it brilliantly transforms what can be a...