Artichoke and Spinach Relish with Walnuts

Friends, if you've ever lost a recipe you truly loved you will understand my excitement today. For I have recovered two of my favorite appetizer recipes thanks to other bloggers (and some dodgy sites that may now be harvesting my data or something idk). These were...

Pasta al Pomodoro

  Hope you are all enjoying a safe and happy Tomato Season. For many of us, it's a celebratory time; a time to consume tomatoes every way we can imagine: BLTs, bruschetta, panzanella, galettes, caprese salads, tomato tarts, gazpacho... And fresh tomato sauce....

Blueberry Cream Pie

Get a load of this stunner. If summer were a pie... The blueberry flavor is optimized and heightened by combining whole berries with a blueberry puree and finished with a touch of lemon. All poured into a graham cracker crust and topped with a heavenly alloy of...

Cherry Pie

Cherry pie is my favorite pie I don't even have to think about it. Last week I managed to hit the farmer's market at the exact right moment to get the tart cherries I needed for this recipe and therefore achieved pie nirvana and am now deceased. I did not grow up...

Blueberry Biscuits

I was intrigued by this recipe when it took a certainly nonconsensual ride on the social media rollercoaster on a facebook cooking group I belong to. It went like this: popular>wildly popular>backlash ("would people PLEASE stop posting about these biscuits!" and...

Pork, Fennel, and Lemon Ragu with Pappardelle

Sometimes you make a dish so sublime and so chef-y that you ask yourself "do I ever need to eat out again?" This is certainly that dish. Close your eyes and you could be in any high-end, trendy-neighborhood hotspot. You know the place. It doesn't have a drink menu it...

Cornmeal Lime Shortbread Fans

  Recipe first, blah, blah, blah later. God I'm already so tired of sweets and it's only December 11th. But we must persevere. There are so many cookies, candies and pies to eat before we're done. This recipe was part of a brilliant article by the brilliant...

Classic Martini

I know everyone is joking about how much drinking is going on right now. Oh, were you waiting for a "but..." and then something witty? Something Nick-and-Nora-Charles-ish? No time for that because I need to talk about my new hobby: the Classic Martini. It's taken me a...

French Summer Sandwiches with Zucchini and Olive Tapenade

I'm going to assume we've all had it up to our masks hearing about Covid cooking. Sourdough starter, banana bread, air-frying, everyone's done it, blogged about it, made a Tik-Tok, and written a New York Times think piece. Whatever you're going to get out of this...

(David) Hasselback Challah French Toast

My book group meets on Sunday mornings and brunch is typically served, so when it's my turn I'm always looking for something that can be made ahead and is, of course, worthy of the fine women who attend. With a small amount of effort this dish from our friends at Real...
Lemon Shortcakes with Gingered Blueberries

Lemon Shortcakes with Gingered Blueberries

  I had two worries as I made this recipe. First, that the crystallized ginger would be too harsh but it was absolutely perfect, adding a judicious bit of brightness and contrast to all the sweet lusciousness. Second, the shortcake dough was so flaky as I...

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Browned Butter Blondies

Browned Butter Blondies

  Remember when it seemed like people were throwing browned butter in everything?  Suddenly it was bringing new life to old favorites like Rice Krispie Treats, Mexican Wedding Cookies, and every butter-based sauce imaginable. And this is not just a theory, I have...

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Crispy Skillet Turkey Burgers

Crispy Skillet Turkey Burgers

  Dead simple, four ingredients, shockingly delicious.  As the recipe says the panko keeps the turkey from becoming dense and acquiring that yoga-mat texture turkey burgers sometimes have; the mayo keeps it moist throughout; and the cheese works its usual magic. ...

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I cannot begin to tell you how hard I fell for this. As promised it's sweet and sour but also luscious without being unctuous.  I followed the advice in the comments section and sauteed cubed eggplant in the same pan before adding the other ingredients, no need to...

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